This is an example of the power of One Soft Skill. We recognize and appreciate the fact that the teaching of Soft Skills in the business world takes on an impression that each soft skill exists as an independent skill that a person can simply will into existence whenever the need arises, assuming they identify that precise time, and assuming they will into existence the correct soft skill, and assuming the other person doesn't will into existence a counter to person A's attempt to use a specific soft skills, and assuming person A's insecurities don't come into play, and assuming person B's insecurities don't come into play, and assuming everyone's emotions don't overtake the situation.
Okay. Having set the scene for you, here's an actual scenario for you to see it in action (not that you've never been involved in it before):
Okay. Having set the scene for you, here's an actual scenario for you to see it in action (not that you've never been involved in it before):